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2/6B Figtree Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
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Ph. 61-2 9625-9111
Fax 61-2 9625-9333
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About Our Programs
Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW Ltd (PCYC) is a charity empowering young people to reach their potential through Police and Community partnerships. PCYC been operating childcare services for over 20 years providing care to thousands of primary school aged children across NSW. PCYC has a proven record of accomplishment in providing safe and quality services to children and families, with a demonstrated understating and compliance of the National Law, Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW) No.104a.
You can have confidence of a state-wide provider with a strong local presence as PCYC currently delivers 22 OSHC services across NSW regional and metropolitan locations, as well as 61 School Holiday programs in various clubs across NSW.