Be part of the PCYC OOSH family
Take the next step in your career in child care with PCYC OOSH
Joining the team at PCYC OOSH allows you to work with dedicated people where we value your contribution and support your professional growth. You will also work with awesome children and alongside qualified and dedicated educators.
PCYC OOSH roles are perfect for busy university students, as well as qualified educators who are looking for workplace flexibility. We also offer above award wages and conditions.
PCYC OOSH is a Child Safe organisation. We put our commitment to safeguarding children at the forefront of everything we do.
Looking to work for PCYC OOSH but can’t see your location or role advertised? No problem. New positions regularly become available across our network, and we’re always looking for fantastic talent. Email us at with your CV, location of interest, level of experience, and why you want to work for PCYC OOSH to register your interest for upcoming vacancies.
We look forward to hearing from you!